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Thread: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

  1. #31
    Death Before Dishonor Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Edition 2

    Platform: Xbox 360

    Current play through: It is my first

    Current location: Idk I think Texas or something like that

    Current objective: Defeat the psycho gundam

    Next objective: no clue

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: I do not like it at all

    Total game overs?: 20

    Favorite event so far: None

    Favorite character and why: Kira Yamato. Cause he is a bad motherf*cker.

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 2

    Comments: This is not at all a fun game. It is complete bullshit.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  2. #32
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Yesha's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: FFXII; Revenant Wings

    Platform: Nintendo DS

    Current play through: First

    Current game completion (if known): around 28%

    Current party (if applicable): Vaan, Penelo, Kytes, Filo, and Llyud

    Current level(s) (if applicable): all are around LvL. 18

    Current location: Doing the first mission (4-1) on "The Muruc Cahuac Skysea"

    Current in game clock time: Mmmm.. around 5 hours

    How have you been using your in game time?: Just doing some side missions to add some percentage and char. LvL then continuing the story.

    Current objective: Open all of the treasure chests! in Isshu, Jewel of the Skysea

    Next objective: Destroy the enemy soul crystal! in Cebe, Isle of Treasures

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Nice and enjoyable

    Total game overs?: None

    Favorite event so far:

    Favorite character and why: Llyud, because he's the new character in the FF series, he's silent but you can feel the sincerity of his personality, he is also a great help in battle

    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect):

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars;
    Last edited by Yesha; 09-08-2010 at 01:35 AM.

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  3. #33
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Yakuza 3.
    Platform: Playstation 3.
    Current play through: First.
    Current game completion (if known): Last I checked, it was like... 44.7%, but now I'm guessing it's about 50%. Maybe just less.
    Current party (if applicable): N/A.
    Current location: Chapter Ten, daytime.
    Current in game clock time: Umm... last time I checked it was 104 hours. I'm betting it's about 110 hours now, probably less though.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Doing a lot of side missions, collecting locker keys, playing mini-games (various gambling games, pool, darts, golf, fishing, catching stuffed animals with the UFO Catcher, some pretty cool arcade game, baseball...), eating food, and beating up people who stop me in the street. Oh, and fighting in the arena.
    Current objective: Getting a -5 par in the golf mini-game.
    Next objective: Play wrestling on the beach with my friend to cheer some kid up.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: So far, so good. I'm liking where the story has been going so far despite not really paying attention to it so much.
    Total game overs?: Zero.
    Favorite event so far: Umm... haha, I can't give you one. I'm just enjoying the whole thing.
    Favorite character and why: Kazuma. He's a very likeable main character. He looks like a real tough guy, and comes across as it when the need be. He also has that soft, caring side which you see around the children at the orphanage. To top it off, his sense of honour and right Vs wrong is pretty much spot on.

    Comments: Story is excellent so far. The golf mini-game is giving me a headache.

    Current game: Red Dead Redemption.
    Platform: Playstation 3.
    Current play through: First.
    Current game completion (if known): 100%.
    Current party (if applicable): N/A.
    Current location: I believe I was in Blackwater the last time I saved.
    Current in game clock time: Less then 50 hours.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Everything you can do, really. Riding my lovely horse around, shooting the bad guy, doing side missions, etc.
    Current objective: Reach level 50 online.
    Next objective: Decide whether passing into legend is worth it or not.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Well, I finished the main game, and I'm just playing online at the moment. So far, it's probably my favourite Rockstar game to date.
    Total game overs?: I wasn't counting..
    Favorite event so far:
    When you finally go back home to your ranch where your wife and son await you. The music played at the time after that boss fight as you ride your horse through the snow was pretty nice.

    Favorite character and why: Bonnie. You don't see much of her throughout the game, but for the time the game is set in, she was definitely a woman living in a man's world. She's a very strong character, and despite a few problems on her ranch is able to get through it.

    Comments: Online levelling sucks.

    Current game: FFXIII.
    Platform: Playstation 3.
    Current play through: First.
    Current game completion (if known): No idea. I finished the story though.
    Current party (if applicable): Lightening, Hope and Fang.
    Current location: Pulse.
    Current in game clock time: We're talking over a hundred hours. Perhaps 120 hours?
    How have you been using your in game time?: CP grinding.
    Current objective: Max out characters.
    Next objective: Upgrade all weapons and accessories.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Beautiful.
    Total game overs?: I'm not counting, but somewhere in the 25-50 range.
    Favorite event so far: Leaving Pulse. Best. Scene. EVER. 8D
    Favorite character and why: Umm... I like Lightening and Fang. Lightening is the main character, and usually that's a default for me. Fang because she's strong and motherly.

    Comments: Not my favourite Final Fantasy game, but it's in the top three/four.

    Ahh, free time. =(

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

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  4. #34
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Nier
    Platform: PS3
    Current play through: 3rd (in terms of the story)
    Current game completion (if known): Got ending A and B, trying to get C. In terms of story I am on the 3rd big event before the final series of events, so about 3 hours play before the final bosses.
    Current party (if applicable): N/A
    Current level(s) (if applicable): Nier is level 36. He can kill pretty much everything in seconds.
    Current location: The Aerie
    Current in game clock time: 46:00:33
    How have you been using your in game time?: At moment it's questing to get all the weapons.
    Current objective: Beat Wendy in 8 1/2 minutes or less to get the trophy.
    Next objective: Continue to quest for the weapons.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It's amazing! I love the story, and the fact there are 4 endings make you work extra hard, and it hasn't become tedious to me at all thus far.
    Total game overs?: Only about 4 or 5.
    Favorite event so far: When the shades get into the village or the second visit to the Aerie (which is where I am now).
    Favorite character and why: Emil. The reason being is that he's adorable! He is great in battle and his story is one of the high points of the game.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I have had a 175 hit combo.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 5
    Comments: The best game I have played on my PS3 thus far. The story is so compelling, and the soundtrack is beautiful.

    Current game: Tomb Raider
    Platform: PS1 (through PS3)
    Current play through: Ever, 3rd. But on this version 1st
    Current game completion (if known): I'm on the second level (I only got it yesterday)
    Current party (if applicable): N/A
    Current level(s) (if applicable): N/A
    Current location: City Of Vilcabamba (start of the level)
    Current in game clock time: N/A
    How have you been using your in game time?: Just killing and raiding.
    Current objective: Beat this level
    Next objective: Beat the next level
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: I always have loved this game. It's a true video gaming classic.
    Total game overs?: Ever, lost count. This playthrough, 0.
    Favorite event so far: I love playing through the Cistern level.
    Favorite character and why: Obviously Lara Croft. But apart from her, Pierre. He is a pain in the arse, but it's always fun to hunt him down.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): It took me, my brother and my dad (we all shared the game at the time) 10 hours to complete Palace Midas on the first playthrough. No lie.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 5
    Comments: It really is a classic. It revolutionised gaming in the 90s. I was always bad at TR, but now, having played hundreds of games, I'm not too bad at it now!

  5. #35
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Final Fantasy Tactics war of the Lions
    Platform: PsP
    Current play through: First
    Current party (if applicable): Ramza, Delita, Bryce, Myles, Sandre, Sysley
    Current level(s) (if applicable): Ramza lvl 9 (Knight), Delita (Knight) lvl 4, Bryce (Black Mage) lvl 9, Myles lvl 7 (Knight), Sandre lvl 7 (White Mage), Sysley lvl 6 (Archer)
    Current location: The Siedge Weald
    Current in game clock time: 07:36:23
    How have you been using your in game time?: Not much to do except to follow the story and grind, though I've been grinding most of the time
    Current objective: Heading to Ziekden Fortress to save Delita's sister.
    Next objective: ?
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Unlike Tactics Advance I'm really enjoying this game, collecting gil, experience and learning skills is much easier than in Tactics Advance, thus less frustrations.
    Total game overs?: One, I kept track of the story as far as I could without additional grinind, I had to fall sooner or later.
    Favorite event so far: I would have to say the conversation between Delita and Ramza after his sister was taken.
    Favorite character and why: Delita, has more of a noble stance than most of the characters from higher class.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4/5
    Comments: I'm not a huge fan of tactics games, but this one got me hooked. The job system is really excellent, and battles while slow are fun. Characters are great and story has been quite interesting so far.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  6. #36
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

    Platform: PSP

    Current play through: This will be my first.

    Current game completion (if known)
    : I only have ~1:45 clocked into it, so..not much

    Current party: I started with Ventus, but I'm D-linked with Aqua and Terra, so I suppose they're there with me in spirit

    Current level: 1

    Current location
    : The mines in the Dwarf Woodlands

    Current in game clock time: ~1:45

    How have you been using your in game time?
    : Watching cutscenes, being introduced to characters, getting acquainted with the controls via tutorial (like you gotta do for all these games...), beating up on some baddies, and advancing the story.

    Current objective: Finding Terra

    Next objective: Whatever it is that Snow White Land needs me to do (probably)

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It definitely plays like a Kingdom Hearts game, which is pretty satisfying.

    Total game overs?: Haha... NONE. That would be pretty pathetic if I've gotten a game over already.

    Favorite event so far: There's really nothing that's happened where I can say "Oh that's a favorite!" but it was kind of fun to knock around the Seven Dwarfs.

    Favorite character and why: So far, it's gonna have to be Terra. I don't think I'll like Aqua too much, and Ventus looks like Roxas, who I never liked. >>; I probably shouldn't hold that against him, which is why I started with his story first to see if he's any different.

    Comments: The game really wants you to accept pretty fast that the main characters are friends... I kind of wish I had a little more introduction to them before being set off on the adventure. KH1 did that pretty well. Yeah, it was kind of a pain to collect all that stuff on the island, but I at least got a chance to get attached to the characters.


    Current game: Dragon Quest IX

    Platform: DS

    Current play through: My first

    Current game completion: Well, I got two of the fyggs, and I think that there are seven in total. Can't really say otherwise how much I have completed.

    Current party: Julie (the Minstrel), Seth (the Mage), Mina (the Martial Artist), and Paseh (the Thief). All characters made by me.

    Current level(s): Julie - 21, Seth - 20, Mina - 21, Paseh - 20

    Current location: I'm at Zere Rocks.

    Current in game clock time: 16 hours? I haven't kept up with the game time much....

    How have you been using your in game time?
    : Mostly fighting monsters to rack up the gold. Also, finding stuff to alchemize so I can have better stuff.

    Current objective: Leave Zere Rocks

    Next objective: Whatever the next town tells me needs to be done. I was told to go find this boat so I can sail wherever I want to on it. Also, probably collecting more fyggs.

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It's fun, but I wish that leveling up wasn't such a grind. It's an RPG though, so it's understandable.

    Total game overs?: NONE

    Favorite event so far: I thought the Wight Knight part was pretty nice.

    Favorite character and why: I like my Mina. She kicks butt. She's also really tiny and has pink hair!

    Comments: Nice game. Definitely a good little time-waster, especially if you're running around looking for ingredients to alchemize. I also like the character customization, though my characters' outfits look kind of ridiculous at the moment, since it's rather hard for me to find sets that look well together, and also have good stat boosts. Haha... My poor Mage is wearing a tuxedo jacket, blue underwear and bunny ears!
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  7. #37
    Certified tech, come at me! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    Platform: Super Nintendo

    Current play through: This would be my first full one.

    Current game completion (if known): N/A

    Current party (if applicable): Mario and Mallow

    Current level(s) (if applicable): 13 and 13

    Current location: Rose Town

    Current in game clock time: N/A for this gmae

    How have you been using your in game time?: Level grinding ftw!

    Current objective: Game Objective: Explore the forest maze. My objective: Grind to level 15 before exploring

    Next objective: Get the second star (i guess)

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Its really fun so far.

    Total game overs?: None yet

    Favorite event so far: The toy fight in Rose Town

    Favorite character and why: Geno - in the other times i've played SMRPG this character always appealed to me. I also like him because hes capable of dealing 9,999 in certain occasions.

    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Coins maxed out at 999, have 3 frog coins, flower points go up to 29. Mario's current hp is 95/104 and Mallow's is 87/95

    Comments: I don't know why i've been turning down this game. I liked it the last times i've played and the battle system is fun. I've grown more appreciative of it now and I suggest other people check it out if you haven't played it before.
    Currently Playing:

  8. #38

    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Final Fantasy VIII
    Platform: PlayStation
    Current play through: Unknown
    Current game completion (if known): Middle of 3rd disc (out of 4)
    Current party (if applicable): Squall, Selphie, and Zell
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 100 (Squall), 93 (Selphie), 74 (Zell), 100 (Rinoa), 74 (Irvine), 75 (Quistis)
    Current location: Island Closest to Hell
    Current in game clock time: over 61 hours
    How have you been using your in game time?: Going through the story, doing all the side quests, upgrading my weapons all the way, maxing out my SeeD level, and leveling up my characters
    Current objective: Leveling up all my characters to level 100 before moving on
    Next objective: Enter Lunatic Pandora
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It's my favorite game. Wish I could've completed it all the other times I've played it lol this is the farthest I've ever been in it. Glad I went off of the hiatus I took from it.
    Favorite event so far: Battling through the Deep Sea Research Center to fight Ultima Weapon
    Favorite character and why: Either Squall or Zell, since, personality-wise, I'm sort of a mixture of these two.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Half of my party is level 93 or better so far, and I am very proud of it. xD
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): N/A
    Comments: The FFs on the PlayStation are my favorite FFs. The old school FFs have their own charm, but I believe the PlayStation holds Final Fantasy's finest moments.
    "Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our perspectives that separate us."
    —Squall Leonhart

  9. #39
    Tsuna Feesh Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Three entries for me, since I'm playing three games at different times.

    Name: Trinity Universe
    Platform: Playstation 3
    Current playthrough: I'm on my second playthrough.
    Current game completion (if known): Actually, I've beaten the game a second time, which is required for the real ending. I've gotten that ending as well, along with its Trophy.
    Current party (if applicable): I have Lucius (whom I call Ruki) as my main, with insanely high stats. I really only use him since the game is so broken I don't need to use others. ^_^" But I need to get everyone to at least level 100 for a Trophy, so the other three characters switch out once in a while, after they reach that level.
    Current level (if applicable): Erm, Ruki is level 132, and the others are just spread out. Some are over 100, and the ones who aren't are going to get there.
    Current location: You are basically at the center of every dungeon you can access in this game, so I'm just...there... I have places to go in the Yoma Castle and Drifting Space and such, but I'm, yeah, there. x3
    Current in game clock time: The game doesn't have it. =\ But I asumme I must be at least sixty hours into it.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Mainly I've just been progressing the game and drifting dungeons to get to the True Route. Now that I've done that, it's basically just farming for Trophies and drifting eighty-five more dungeons out of orbit for that exhausting Trophy.
    Current objective: Like I said, I'm collecting Trophies. By the time I get the one for drifting a hundred objects of out space, I assume I'd have gotten most all of them. The rest should be a breeze to obtain.
    Next objective: If I get obsessive enough, I'll try to have my evaluation points really really high so I make it on that list of people across the world(?).
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Oh, the True Ending is amazing! At one point it kind of disappointed me since the mood shfited way too casually, but I loved how it turned out.
    Total game overs?: The first playthrough, I died maybe around six or seven times. I've only died a single time on my second playthrough, on a fight where I couldn't use Ruki.
    Favorite event so far: The True Ending! It's not Final Fantasy XIII amazing and even a bit clichéd, but I liked it a lot...'kay? >_<
    Favorite character and why: Lucius (Ruki to me) and Mizuki are my favorite. Lucius has a great design and his character seems so distant from his design, but it works. Mizuki is just a hyper, random, energetic assassin who amuses me. xD
    Comments: Oh, if you love Disgaea or Atelier or Mana Khemia, or enjoy "OVER 9000" present in the main storyline, then get this game! It may be one of the easiest games you'll play after a while, but it's worth it. Also watch out for a lot of time being consumed should you aim for the Platinum Trophy.

    Name: Demon's Souls (North American Version)
    Platform: Playstation 3
    Current playthrough: I have three different ones. I beat my first, ditched my second, and now am playing my third, on a first playthrough.
    Current game completion (if known): It depends. On my first playthrough I've beaten the game once and am now at the first stage on New Game+.
    Current party (if applicable): Just myself, since the game only allows your customized character.
    Current level (if applicable): I'm Soul Level 83 or something in my first file and 1 on my current, brand new one. x3
    Current location: On both active files I'm at Boletaria Palace, just finishing up the Phalanx level. Heh-heh, I got worse at the game so I keep dying in New Game+. >_<
    Current in game clock time: Hmm, I have at least 100 hours on my first file, I'm sure. And only like half an hour on my new one.
    How have you been using your in game time?: I've just been getting through the game's levels while getting good items and materials for upgrade. I. Hate. That. Damn. Pure. Bladestone.
    Current objective: Well, I want the Trophies, so I'm aiming for those. I've got a friend who helped me with the weapons Trophies, but we still need that god-awful Pure Bladestone.
    Next objective: Hmm, I'm definitely wanting to go on with my new file since it's a girl this time and I want to wear that awesome Valkyrie helmet with the wings. xD
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: After a few hours into the game, I thought it was absolutely amazing how active and lively the game is.
    Total game overs?: Oh, I've died far too many times to count, especially towards the beginning. This is one of the hardest games I've played. Period.
    Favorite event so far: I really like some of the boss fights, like the Dragon God and the Maiden Astraea.
    Favorite character and why: I like the Witch Yuria and Maiden Astraea a lot, for some reason. xD I like Yuria because she's so different from most witches: she's not maniacal, but rather serene and thoughtful, while regretful as well. Astraea has one of the best stories in the game, of how her faith let her down so she gave in to the darker side.
    Comments: This is one of the best RPGs I have EVER played, and I say that with passion. It truly is a masterpiece in terms of real-time role-playing games. You have such a variety of weapons and abilities and setups that every character plays in his or her own way. The plot isn't too focused, but it's deep and the game lets you decide for yourself how to view things. Also, the fact that you can invade or join in other players in their worlds is so incredibly fun. I hate that they're planning on shutting it down March 2011 or something. =\ But it isn't that time yet, so if you haven't gotten the game, GO GET IT!

    Name: Pokemon Platinum
    Platform: Nintendo DS
    Current playthrough: Who the hell wastes all their effort and starts anew each time? xO This is my first and only playthrough on this specific game cartridge...ever.
    Current game completion (if known): Oh, i've betaen the Elite Four ages ago.
    Current party (if applicable): Well, I have a lot of Pokemon in my party. I'm basically just training for Wi-Fi matches with some friends.
    Current level (if applicable): I have several level 100 Pokemon and a lot of EV-trained ones just for Wi-Fi, so I don't really bother leveling them up if I have all the moves I want for them already.
    Current location: I'm just randomly around training and catching and hatching Pokemon, as well as EV training them. =p
    Current in game clock time: I have around 450 hours in the game, I think. I've been playing it all summer since that was my main obsession then.
    How have you been using your in game time?: I've been using my time wisely! At least, I'd like to think so. I spend so much time on getting Pokemon, hatching them for shinies (using the RNG method, though) and EV training them from scratch.
    Current objective: I need new Pokemon! xD I'll even be lazy and not get more shinies until I really want one. But I need to catch more of a variety of them and EV train them since I'm tried of using the same ones over and over again.
    Next objective: I'll beat them in Wi-Fi! >=3
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Oh, this game has been extremely addicting for a long time.
    Total game overs?: Well, not that it exists, really, but blacking out...I may have blacked out once or twice, total. It's not so hard to remain alive.
    Favorite event so far: ...I like Nintendo Events! xD Shame Imissed the Shaymin one. =\
    Favorite character and why: Ooh, ooh, Jasmine! Don't tell me she isn't important in the game, she's in the game. She's at Sunyshore looking at the lighthouse. -cough- I don't know what I like about her, but she seems so different from her type. She seems...erm, fragile, yet she commands Steel types. I've liked her since Generation II.
    Comments: I like this game over HeartGold and SoulSilver (though I want White now so bad). It's truly addicting, and if you're a fan of the series but haven't played Generation IV yet, go for Platinum. That is, unless you're wanting the new Black and White games, but if you're like me and impatiently waiting for them to be released, go train some and hope you can transfer them to your Black or White game in the later months.
    Last edited by Fate; 09-20-2010 at 08:42 PM.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

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  10. #40
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited
    Platform: PC
    Current play through: First, being an MMO. However, it technically has multiple playthroughs based on how many times the character reaches Epic levels and does True Reincarnation.
    Current game completion (if known): N/A, though in case of Favor points, around 350-370 out of 1,067 total on free-to-play (roughly a 34%)
    Current party (if applicable): None. Usually hangs with a RL friend's characters (level 10 Fighter, level 6/1 Rogue/Fighter). That, or hirelings. ANd the occasional rowdy bunch of zerging PCs that wish to finish quests insanely fast people
    Current level(s) (if applicable): Level 7 Dwarven Cleric (Beyvin) and Level 6 Human Paladin (Alkarn) on one server, Level 1 Halfling Rogue (Klepptus) on another server.
    Current location: Either in front of Catacombs in Stormreach Marketplace (Alkarn), The Phoenix Tavern (Beyvin), Korthos Island - snowy side (Klepptus)
    Current in game clock time: N/A, but several days of play thus far.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Getting favor points and XP for next levels, but specifically favor points to unlock more in-game content without expending money. Not an easy task.
    Current objective: Get to level 8 on Beyvin, get 400 favor points and unlock the Drow race on one server with either Cleric or Paladin, get to level 7 on Alkarn, finish the introductory storyline with Klepptus.
    Next objective: TBD, though essentially reaching Epic levels on Cleric and Paladin, and reaching level 6 on Rogue for first Prestige Enhancement. Unlock-wise, get enough favor points to unlock the Warforged race, the Monk class, and 32-point builds on all servers.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at :Interesting to see how you can do a decent game without having all of the content, though I'd wish I have more DDO points to unlock more stuff.
    Total game overs?: No game overs as it is an MMO, but several deaths (lost count, but at least 1 recently)
    Favorite event so far: None, but it's fun when the Festivult event unlocks during the months of July because you can play games!!!! ...And get nifty prizes, too.
    Favorite character and why: between my characters, I love Alkarn (the Paladin), because he's darn hard to kill and expectedly will be harder to kill, aside from being capable of using scrolls and wands outside of its class-based magical powers, the ability to smite evil, the ability to cast divine magic, the ability to pull off some spell-like abilities with dragonmark feats, amongst others. It's a nice Paladin build, though one that could improve a bit more. Also, thank the Host for the Diehard feat! And the Defender of Siberys prestige enhancement!
    As for the hirelings...I'd say Mareth. An elven cleric, but he surely can pull off interesting amounts of healing with little SP consumption, which is golden. He's also well-priced (about 97 platinum points, of which you can get around 40-50 per quest) for the hour of service.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): 107 DDO points (currency used to buy premium stuff, such as new races, new classes and new adventure packs).
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): Unable to finish, but so far around 3.5. It's a nice application of the D&D rules, and it's a fun game to play since it's quite immersive, but I have to remove points from it for being a WoW clone in user interface. The biggest saving point is being based on the 3.5 rules, arguably one that allows quite impressive stuff such as multiclassing, as well as interesting builds, and the effort the devs have made to balance things out (ironically, one of the reasons in which the system is slightly better is through enhancements, which are like WoW's talents, but based on the classes and feats and choices the character makes so it's less specialization and more customization).
    Comments: It's odd to comment on an MMO, but I feel I should do justice to this game, given that it's pretty much as long as you don't mind having about 35% of the content locked on (including some of the goodies). Maximum effort can grant you DDO points to unlock more stuff (I have already unlocked an adventure pack), but it requires so many playing hours and an excellent grasp of the system that people will eventually cave in to paying for the subscription or shelling money for extra points. But, thus far, it's an entertaining ride with the 65% of the content provided.

    This game has taken most of my free time, and I believe it's well worth it for being a semi-free game.
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

    Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.

    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

    Spaces still available. Join today!!

    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  11. #41
    Nintendo-Daily Content Specialist Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] classicgamer's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    I just got finished with a playthrough, so I'm not currently playing anything now of great detail. I'll give what I got finished playing.

    Current game: Kirby's Adventure
    Platform: NES
    Current play through: Too many to count, like 19th or 20th
    Current game completion (if known): 100%
    Current party (if applicable): Kirby
    Current location: End of game.
    Next objective: Maybe trying to beat the Extra mode so I can get the sound test.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at:It's a great game. Too many ways to get 1ups though
    Total game overs?: 0
    Favorite event so far: Fight with the 5th boss
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I had to retrace a lot to get the 100%, some of those darn special areas were hard to find
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4.5
    Comments: This is a great game. One big reason I played through it again twice was to make sure I still knew where everything was, and to get a playthrough uploaded to Youtube for the site I'm a content contributor at. Also, this was the same sites Bi-monthly Game of the Week (we have a game of the week and it lasts 2 weeks to give extra time to play it)

    I might go to a Gameboy game next. I don't know what I'll play. I'm also playing several games that you really can't be as specific on, (games like Missle Command for Atari) and games that would bore you to death if I was specific on (a baseball game that I'm in a season for)

  12. #42
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Final Fantasy X-2
    Platform: PS2
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): 36% / Chapter 3
    Current party (if applicable): Yuna, Rikku, Pain
    Current level(s) (if applicable): Yuna lvl 31, Rikku lvl 32, Pain lvl 32
    Current location: Celsius/Bridge
    Current in game clock time: 14:32
    How have you been using your in game time?: Exploring, playing minigames, grinding, solving sidequests, moving with the story, pretty much everything the game has to offer.
    Current objective: Banish fiends from Kilika temple
    Next objective: Don't know
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: To be honest, the characters and story are nothing short from terrible, gameplay is the only thing that still holds me to this game.
    Total game overs?: One, while fighting Garik on Mount Gagazet.
    Favorite event so far: None actually.
    Favorite character and why: It's not like I have a choice here, everyone except for Buddy and Shinra goes to my nerves, so it's either one of those two.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): So far I've mastered two jobs with Yuna, Black and White Mage, Rikku will be in same position pretty soon, Pain has mastered the warrior job, and I'm working on mastering the Black Mage job with her.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 2/5
    Comments: I bought this game knowing what kind of reputation it has, of course I was in dilemma at first, but still decided to give it a shoot, after all I heard terrible things about FF XII and it turned out to be great, guess deep down I expected the same from X-2.

    Unfortunately the game justified it's reputation, there's simply to many flaws on which I can't keep a blind eye, two most important parts of any game in my opinion, characters and story, are terribly done in X-2, something you don't expect from FF game. Voice acting and music ain't that great either, the only positive thing about it is gameplay. I was always a big fan of job system and it's really done great in X-2, unfortunately that's not enough for a FF game, for any game in fact, especially not for sequel to such great games as FF X.

    I'm also playing few mini games for PsP, most noticeably Zombie Tycoon and Age of Zombies, both fun and addictive.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  13. #43
    Nintendo-Daily Content Specialist Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] classicgamer's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Final Fantasy Legend II
    Platform: Gameboy
    Current play through: 9th or 10h
    Current game completion (if known): 68 magi out of 77, before Odin
    Current party (if applicable): 3 Gazers 1 Lamia
    Current location: Vahalaha Palace
    Next objective: Kill Odin
    Total game overs?: 19 or 20 ( I have a tough party that takes some game overs)
    Favorite event so far: Turning Venus to Stone
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Since monsters can't use items, I have opened only 5 treasure chests. Equiping NPC's with those items.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 3.9
    Comments: Great game, The translators here put Final Fantasy in the name to sell more. Great decision on their part.

  14. #44
    Certified tech, come at me! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Ys V Expert
    Platform: Super Famicom
    Current play through: 1st
    Current game completion (if known): I have to start over, messed up on something
    Current party (if applicable): 1
    Current level(s) (if applicable): Adol level 1
    Current location: Town of Sandoria
    Current in game clock time: N/A
    How have you been using your in game time?: Leveling
    Current objective: Got to talk to Dorman
    Next objective: Head to the next town
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Its pretty good so far.
    Total game overs?: 1
    Favorite event so far: Don't have one yet
    Comments: I was making some nice starting progress but I got killed and now I have to do over everything I've already done because I didn't save -_- I like the gameplay, its pretty satisfying. Its going to be a bit of a challenge playing this entry as its japan only and I have to rely on an english guide.

    Other than that its a pretty good title and one of the best SNES/SFC Ys titles you'll play. This one i'm playing is a more difficult version than the original but funny thing is is that its not really that hard (probably because I level so much haha).
    Last edited by SuperSabin; 09-30-2010 at 08:46 PM.
    Currently Playing:

  15. #45
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Star Ocean The Last Hope: International
    Platform: PS3
    Current play through: 1st
    Current game completion (if known): Not a clue
    Current party (if applicable): Edge, Reimi, Faize
    Current level(s) (if applicable): All level 6
    Current location: Planet Aeos
    Current in game clock time: 5:01:15
    How have you been using your in game time?: Progressing with game events, while levelling at the same time
    Current objective: Head back to the home ship, the Calnus
    Next objective: Wherever the game will take me next
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It's great so far. The only other SO game I've played is 'First Departure' on PSP, so this is a brand new experience.
    Total game overs?: 0
    Favorite event so far: When you meet Faize. But then again, not much has happened thus far.
    Comments: It's hard to find HP restoring items, but easy to find MP restoring items. They aren't useful enough for me! But, yeah, the game is great, finally getting used to all aspects of the battle system.

  16. #46
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne

    Platform: PS2 (playing it on the PSTriple)

    Current play through: 1st

    Current game completion (if known): In the Assembly of Nihilo

    Current party (if applicable): Main Character (MC) along with me mostly using some combo of demons as follows: Forneus, Oni, Archangel, Kelpie, and Makami

    Current level(s) (if applicable): MC is level 32.

    Current location: Savepoint Nihilo Assembly C

    Current in game clock time: 12 hours 23 minutes

    How have you been using your in game time?: Trying to advance the storyline along with grinding/getting jewels so I can get all the magatmas/elemental demons for the purpose of powering up my minions via demon fusion.

    Current objective: Find the leader of the Nihilo resistance.

    Next objective: idk, probably end up pledging my loyalty to either the Nihilo or the Mantra, haven't decided yet. At the end it won't matter anyways, because I'll be going for the True Demon Ending, which means I take no sides.

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It's a fun game, sometimes I get bored with the bleak post-apocolyptic overtones and the long grinding but when I'm fighting tough battles/bosses, its pretty fun.

    Total game overs?: I've gotten like 4-5 so far, all from random battles due to me getting really unlucky with the Press Turn Battle System, but I shouldn't be complaining because it's saved my ass a lot during the tough boss battles, lol.

    Favorite event so far: Getting attacked semi-randomly by Matador, one of the holders of the Candelabrum. The holders of the Candelabrum come out of nowhere to challenge you and they're just as tough as any boss, so you have to be on your toes. He was a fun battle though.

    Favorite character and why: Not really any human characters I like, but besides Matador, I liked Daisoujou, another holder of the Candelabrum. Silly dead priest that keeps teleporting behind me lol.

    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): MC Stats: 264HP/132MP, 19 Str, 6 Mag, 8 Vit, 5 Agl, 6 Luck. Abilities: Life Bonus, Ice Breath, Counter, Heat Wave, Rakunda, Focus, Ice Boost, Fog Breath.

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent):

    Comments: Berith and all of the Eligors I've encountered so far have been pretty easy but I am running low on MP/items for this dungeon, I might have to gate out of here for now
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  17. #47
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Well, after telling myself to finish up some games that I haven't completed yet before starting Persona 3 Portable, I decided to screw that plan and just go ahead and play it.

    Current game: Persona 3 Portable

    Platform: It's on mah PSP

    Current play through: Numero Uno

    Current party (if applicable): Well, there's my main character: Jules McDougal (hehe... I named him that ), and he has two buddies that fight with him right now: Yukari and Junpei.

    Current level(s) (if applicable): My main character is Level 4. I don't seem to be able to check the other two at the moment.

    Current location: The entrance of Tartarus

    Current in game clock time: 1:33

    How have you been using your in game time?: Getting acquainted with the characters/story/battles/whatever else the game throws at me.

    Current objective: Go back to my dorm room to rest up.

    Next objective: My character will probably have to go to school.

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Pretty interesting. I like how it seems my choices in interacting with the other characters have actual impact on things. Haven't seen this fully played out yet since I'm still at the start, but I like the way it's seems to be shaping up.

    Total game overs?: None

    Favorite event so far: I kind of liked when a character got caught up in the "dark hour" and all this freaky stuff happened.

    Favorite character and why: Well, I haven't played much of the game to really get to know any of the characters very well, but I guess at this point I like Yukari the most. She seems likable enough.

    Random stat you want to include: I was asked two questions during "class", and I got them BOTH wrong. I am not doing so hot in the academics department...haha...

    Comments: I decided to play the game as the male character first, since I have no experience playing this game before (or any Persona game), and it was suggested at the start to go ahead and choose the male if this was your first time playing through. Also, it kind of took me a bit by surprise that the characters shoot themselves in the head to summon their Personas. I was not expecting something like that.
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  18. #48
    I feel epic... Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Eh, why not. I'm just about to begin this, actually.

    Current Game

    Birth by Sleep



    Current play through

    8th. I've played All three files twice now. I deleted all my previous files, and I'm starting over, which each file on Standard Mode. Yeah, I'm basically after Blank Points the hard way. I already did Terra 100%, this time its Ven's turn. Afterwards will be Aqua 100%.

    Current game completion(if known)

    Terra: 100%
    Ventus: 0%
    Aqua: 0%

    Current party (if applicable)

    Terra left the party... Ventus joined the party! Aqua has yet to join the party. Its a one-player game.

    Current level(s) (if applicable)

    Terra: Level 65
    Ventus: Level 1
    Aqua: Level 1

    Current location

    Terra: Keyblade Graveyard *(* means his story is beaten)
    Ventus: Land of Departure
    Aqua: Land of Departure

    Current in game clock time

    Terra: 23 Hours
    Ventus: 0 Hours
    Aqua: 0 Hours
    Total Time: 23 Hours

    How have you been using your in game time?

    As Terra, I was looking for some quick levels, because the Iron Imprisoner IV was giving me problems in the Mirage Arena.

    Current objective

    Terra's file is 100%. There's nothing left to do in the now.

    Next objective

    I will get Ventus to 100%. Yes... even the damned mini-games...

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at:

    Incredibly addictive, and much better plot than Dissidia. My only gripe as of now, is Terra's "dodging" Slide is terrible for avoiding certain attacks. Ventus and Aqua have much better dodging methods. I have to say, once you hit level 40, most enemies don't stand a chance, excluding the Mirage Arena and bosses, of course.

    Total game overs?

    1 Game Over. CLERIC is a pretty tough mofo, regardless of your current level. (If you don't get the name, then I succeeded in not spoiling anyone.)

    Favorite event so far

    Xehanort's big reveal.

    Favorite character and why

    Terra, obviously. Need to play as all three characters to make my full assessment.

    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect)

    Terra: 156 HP/Vanitas Remnant - UNBEATEN, Mysterious Figure - NEVER GONNA BEAT HIM. =(
    Ventus: Nothing.
    Aqua: Nothing.

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent)

    4.5 Stars. Minus .5 for somewhat linear gameplay, and terrible Slide.


    It's a KH game, everyone should know how I feel about it. I can't put the game down, of course, but the thought of actually spending weeks on this game just to beat a single mini-game somewhat frightens me. ._.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
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  19. #49
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Dead Space
    Platform: PC
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): Chapter 5/ 40%
    Current location: Security Station
    Current in game clock time: 6-7 hours
    How have you been using your in game time?: Trying to beat the damn game, that's pretty much all you can do.
    Current objective: Need to find the chemicals that Kendra asked for.
    Next objective: ?
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Honestly I missed all the cheap scares that come with good survivor horror games, some recent games in genre were huge disappointed, Dead Space is far from it, a pleasant surprise, shame though the second one will be more action oriented.
    Total game overs?: None, maybe it has to do something with the fact that I'm playing it on easy (I'm ashamed, honestly I am)
    Favorite event so far: Nothing particular really, except for few cheap scares the game doesn't have memorable moments.
    Favorite character and why: Not much of a choice here, is there?
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4/5
    Comments: I've seen the animated movie before playing the game, from what I've heard and seen I spoiled quite few things, shame though, if I decided to play the game first I think I would enjoy it much more.

    Current game: Batman Arkham Asylum
    Platform: PC
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): 44%
    Current location: Botanical Garden
    Current in game clock time: Can't say for sure, lost track of time to be honest.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Going forward as far as the story goes, and solving riddles along.
    Current objective: Track down Poison Ivy
    Next objective: Nothing's certain with Joker.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Due to the voices and character design the entire game reminds me of the old Batman cartoon, which is a good thing, not to mention the excellent gameplay, addicting riddles, and all the extra content.
    Total game overs?: Two, three, not sure, the game is challenging at some points but nothing extreme so far
    Favorite event so far: The intro was truly amazing.
    Favorite character and why: To be honest I was never really thrilled with the cast from Batman franchise, but the game makes them more than appealing, I honestly have hard time choosing one, I'll have to go with Riddler though, love his comments and challenges.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Riddles 154/240, Upgrades 13/20, Characters Bios 32/42.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 5/5 (perfect)
    Comments: I had the game for quite some time, I already gave it a shoot and didn't find it appealing, recently I thought I'll give it another shoot, and now I'm hooked.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  20. #50
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
    Platform: PS3
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): I've completed 2 character stories in Official Mode
    Current location: New Hong Kong
    Current in game clock time: Can't remember off hand, about 4 hours I think
    How have you been using your in game time?: I have just been trying to play the entire game, starting from the top, I am trying to complete Official Mode before anything else
    Current objective: Beat Four, the pilot of the Psycho Gundam
    Next objective: Not sure, probably beat her again (I've already beat her 3 times)
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Being a fan of Gundam, I love this game. I'm not hugely familiar with the characters used in this game, but they are good. And of course, you have got to love a good hack and slash game every now and then!
    Total game overs?: About 7 I think.
    Favorite event so far: The end of Amuro's story, that was awesome.
    Favorite character and why: I can't pinpoint one, because you don't get much development with the characters, but I do like Char Aznoble/Quattro Bajeena. He seems really cool, and his Suit is more awesome than the others.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I beat the final boss in Char/Quattro's story in under 20 seconds.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): I would say 5/5. It very addictive, as is every DW title, but with the added awesomeness of Gundam, it gets a perfect score.
    Comments: I bought it out on a whim, and I am very glad I did. It has the classic DW gameplay with Gundam, and what's not to like about giant mecha kicking the hell out of other giant mecha?

  21. #51
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: inFamous
    Platform: Playstation 3

    Current play through: 3rd
    Current game completion (if known): 50%ish

    Current location: Just entered The Warren.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Trophy run, because I don't have anything better to do right now. Just doing a quick run on hard mode while I wait for my next game to arrive via Gamefly.

    Current objective: Finish the game.

    Next objective: Finish collecting all the damn blast shards for my final trophy.

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Are we there yet? >_>

    Total game overs?: A lot. It's not that big a deal though since you just revive at a checkpoint/clinic.

    Favorite event so far: Probably the good karma ending.

    Favorite character and why: Cole's fun with his superpowers and all but Zeke really makes this game with his awesome conversational powers.

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): I'd give it about a 4. The gameplay can be a little repetitive sometimes but the story is excellent and as I mentioned above, there's some great dialogue.

    Comments: I may make it sound boring but it isn't. Although I am just doing a trophy run, I am still enjoying the game. Hard mode just tends to make my least favorite parts suck even more.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  22. #52
    Death Before Dishonor Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Rogue Warrior

    Platform: Xbox 360

    Current play through: 1st time

    Current game completion: 25%

    Current location: Somewhere in Russia

    Current in game clock time: 2 hrs 23 mins

    How have you been using your in game time?: Killing people

    Current objective: Infiltrate the Spetsnaz stronghold, and blow it up

    Next objective: f*ck if I know

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It is good if you want to kill someone, but as of now I feel it has 0 replay value.

    Total game overs?: 6

    Favorite event so far: None

    Comments: This game is not that great, and should not be bought in my opinion. I did the smart thing, and gameflyed it before buying.

    Current game: Dragon Age Origins

    Platform: Xbox 360

    Current play through: 6

    Current party (if applicable): Main Character, Alistair, Sten, and Morrigan

    Current level(s) (if applicable): 12

    Current location: Lake Calinhad( I think thats what it is called)

    Current in game clock time: 6 hrs, and 21 mins

    How have you been using your in game time?: Just running around, and doing random shit here and there.

    Current objective: Get the ashes for the Earl

    Next objective: Idk

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: I love it hence the constant replays

    Total game overs?: 1

    Favorite event so far: Hmm the battle at Ostagard

    Favorite character and why: Sten love the Quanari

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): I give it 4 stars

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  23. #53
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: White Knight Chronicles.
    Platform: Playstation 3.
    Current play through: Considering I'd played through a lot earlier this year, but started again... this is my third. But really my second, because I've only finished it once. xP
    Current game completion (if known): I've competed it. About... 30% done on this run through though to get the NG+ items.

    Current location: Lagnish Desert.

    How have you been using your in game time?: Currently, I'm looking for the NG+ items and levelling up on quests. I'm going to go for the platinum, so I need lots of money. x.x

    Current objective: Hit level 50 and then rebirth, and make my first 1,000,000 gilda. Also, find all the NG+ items.

    Next objective: Work on my Guild Rank until I'm GR8.

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: FML. No, I'm kidding. I'm not bored of it yet, just trying to find the willpower to repeat a quest 600 times to get to the next GR.

    Total game overs?: My party have been wiped out once in the main story. Online, I was killed twice, but you just start from the beginning without loss if you solo them.

    Favourite event so far: Maybe the ending. There were quite a few plot holes in the story to be able to pick my favourite part.

    Favorite character and why: Caesar. He's just really witty and funny, but inside that punk kid there's a really strong sentimental side.

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): I give this game a 3. Or a 4, because I'm feeling generous. It's a good game, but the story lets it down. I hope the second game clears up a lot of the problems I found.

    Comments: It's a fun game to play online with friends. Building your own town (Georama) online is a lot of fun, and it's nice to see how others have been creative with their own personal space and their characters. The community seems pretty okay as well, with a lot of helpful players.

    Levelling up, saving gilda, getting GR points is all a bit tedious, but nothing is free, and the good stuff doesn't come easy. You just have to get stuck in if you want all the game has to offer.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  24. #54
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Nier

    Platform: PS3

    Current play through: My first

    Current party (if applicable): Well, there's the Main Character, whose name is whatever you want it to be (hahaa... It's Julie in my game... When it said "Enter Your Name" I didn't think that would become the MC's name), and right now he's accompanied by a book names Grimoire Weiss.

    Current level(s) (if applicable): Level 4

    Current location: The Main Character's Home Village

    Current in game clock time: Maybe 4 hours or so?

    How have you been using your in game time?: Getting used to the environment, progressing through the story, and talking to peoples.

    Current objective: Visit the Chief of The Aerie

    Next objective: Idk, but probably something to do with the Main Character's daughter.

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Pretty enjoyable. So far, it looks like there's quite a bit to do, since the townspeople like for you to run errands for them, not to mention the main story. Idk how long the game is though.

    Total game overs?: 2... I couldn't figure out how to defeat that first boss fight in the beginning, since I didn't catch how to finish him off... I pressed the button too fast, and it made the message dissappear before I got a chance to read it.

    Favorite event so far: When I obtained Grimoire Wiess, and he goes on about how he's sooo powerful, but when it came time to fight, he stammered that he couldn't recall most of his magic.

    Favorite character and why: Grimoire Weiss. He's hilarious. He pipes up with snarky little quips every so often, and it amuses me. His voice is awesome too.

    Comments: I found the game for a pretty good price, and after hearing positive feedback from a few TFFers, I decided to purchase it. So far, it's pretty enjoyable. Great music, and a pretty interesting story so far. I'm a bit iffy on the battle mechanics, but mostly when it comes to magic. That took a bit to get used to. Also dodging. Gotta get better with that.
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  25. #55
    Certified tech, come at me! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Tetris Attack

    Platform: SNES

    Current play through: Umpteenth time

    Current party (if applicable): Yoshi and all the other characters featured from Yoshi's Island

    Current level(s) (if applicable): uh this is a puzzle game...

    Current location: About to Vs Magikoopa in a challenge of wits

    Current in game clock time: 20-30 mins

    How have you been using your in game time?: Making high cleared panel chains

    Current objective: see current location

    Next objective: Face bowser

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Really addicting and really fun, best puzzle video game EVER!

    Total game overs?: a few

    Favorite event so far: the challenge against the spiny koopa, its hilarious when he makes combos or chains because he sounds constipated everytime he does a combo or chain and kinda throws me off when it happens.

    Favorite character and why: Yoshi, hes brave and determined

    Comments: This game helps my thought patterns the most and i will continue to play this game even if i beat it again. I'm going to play it more often than usual for some reasons.
    Currently Playing:

  26. #56
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Current game: White Knight Chronicles
    Platform: PS3
    Current play through: 3
    Current game completion (if known): NG++
    Current party (if applicable): Lian (Avatar)
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 46
    Current location: Everywhere
    Current in game clock time: 80+ hours
    How have you been using your in game time?: Mainly online questing right now.
    Current objective: Upgrade equipment and grind to the next GR, whichever comes first.
    Next objective: Farm materials for said upgrades, probably. I probably won't rebirth until Vicky rejoins our group.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Woo, grinding. -_-
    Total game overs?: None on NG+, for obvious reasons. >_> A couple on quests. Nothing major.
    Favorite event so far: Hmm...I like Albana, the Dragon Knight arc, the Kara/Caesar subplot.
    Favorite character and why: Caesar. I think I mentioned this last time, I didn't expect to like him but he's a great character. Love his dialogue. Kara is pretty awesome too, until the silly plot 'twist'.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): Story gets about a 2 for reasons I shall not mention, online stuff gets about a 4 though. So far. Ask me in a few GR ranks. >_>
    Comments: Story has tons of potential, most of it unused. Quite irritating. I feel like they went way overboard with all the grinding and such required to be decent in online play. It's artificially difficult, which I don't like much. But as Gemma said, the online can be fun with friends.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 01-02-2011 at 09:16 PM.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  27. #57
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] jcsimpson's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current Game: Pokemon: Soul silver

    Platform: DS

    Current playthrough: This is my first as I have just bought the game yesterday

    Current game completion: Possibly only .5 %

    Current party: Totodile, Gastly, Hoothoot, Onix

    Current levels: 12,10,11 and 7

    Current location: Violet city

    Current in game clock: Two hours and 57 minutes

    How have I been using my in game time? I've been exploring and getting used to the new things like the pokegear and pokedex. I've been figuring out the layout of towns and catching and leveling my party.

    Current objective: Defeat first gym leader

    Next objective: Pass through dark cave and obtain second gym badge at next city

    Thought(s) of the game where I'm currently at: I love the pokemon game series and I'm enjoying this one too I just find it a little tedious in the beginning because it's always the same stuff happening. I also hate only battling lvl 4 pokemon and then trying to raise them to my starters level so I can take on gym leaders.

    Total game overs: My party was wiped out once during my battle with Falkner

    Favourite event so far?: Nothing has really happened yet so I' going to just saying getting my starter pokemon.

    Favourite character: My character of course

    Random Stat: Onix has 28 hp

    Rate the game: There isn't much to say because it's a pokemon game and I find if you like one, you'll like the rest however, I'm overjoyed to be in Johto again on the DS.

    Comments: Once I catch all I can I will transport them to my Diamond game which is my main game where I'm trying to fill out the pokedex 100 %. I need only 56 more till I'm done and have caught them all.
    Habitant vegetable soup blows the balls off every other vegetable soup

  28. #58

    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Eternal Sonata

    Platform: xBox 360

    Current play through: first - I tend to not play games more than one time, after all

    Current game completion (if known): .... Chapter 2! Don't know how far that is, actually

    Current party (if applicable): Viola, Allegretto, Frederic

    Current level(s) (if applicable): all 15 (tend to level everyone up to the same level :>)

    Current location: Forte... whatever. I can't remember the name

    Current in game clock time: ~6 hours

    How have you been using your in game time?: I suppose I watched the video sequences for about an hour now (they're f-ing long!). I explored every place I've been to so far, found many many treasures and currently I try to solve the riddle to go on.

    Current objective: Oh, solving that riddle. I mentioned it way too early...

    Next objective: Beating the next boss, I suppose Oo

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: So far, I like it. :> The characters are really sweet, the music is good, I like fighting in this game. But the fights are way too easy. And the background information about Chopin is really, really boring. Sorry, but I couldn't care less about Chopin. ^^"

    Total game overs?: None.

    Favorite event so far: The beginning - I liked Polka jumping off that cliff. And I really really want to know WHY she did that.

    Favorite character and why: Polka & Allegretto. Polka's just supersweet and Allegretto is a good fighter and quite intelligent it seems.

    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): So far, only Frederic has died - two times I think. I have just found out how to heal my party without using items all the time. (Thanks to Viola, it has because VERY easy ^^) Oh and maybe it's interesting to know that I've played with my boyfriend for a couple of hours. Fighting with someone else is boring, though.

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): -

    Comments: .... I suppose I'll complete this game. ^^"""

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  29. #59
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Final Fantasy IX

    Platform: Playstation

    Current play through: Fourth, maybe 5th. I played the sh!t out of this game when I first got it when I was at college.

    Current game completion (if known): Near start of Disc 2

    Current party (if applicable): With Dagger, Steiner and Marcus in Treno

    Current level(s) (if applicable): Zidane and co. are level 12-13, Dagger and Steiner are like Level 9 (it's worse than I thought; they're level 5! Gaah!)

    Current location: Gargan Roo, en route to Alexandria.

    Current in game clock time: About 13 hours.

    How have you been using your in game time?: Not very effectively. I haven't made things very easy for myself. I can't afford more powerful weapons, so I can't beat the enemies very quickly. I keep having to waste my money on Phoenix Downs and Potions. I figured I would level up in Gargan Roo, but the monsters are still too strong! -_-

    Current objective: Activate Gargan Roo and get to the vessel in one piece.

    Next objective: Get my a$$ handed to me in Alexandria, probably. I hope I can level up on the World Map beforehand. I haven't played for absolute years so I can't remember.

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Oh, poopie...

    Total game overs?: Three so far. Bracing myself for more as I haven't levelled my characters up as much as I might.

    Favorite event so far: I dunno, it's all been remarkably boring.
    It doesn't get fun until Cleyra gets set upon.

    Favorite character and why: Zidane. I renamed him after one of my colleagues, and Dagger after another one of my colleagues, whom the other one fancies!

    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): [replaces planned essay with a picture of poop, as I'm doing so awfully! D:]

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4/5: Not quite as interesting as other games in the series, but the battle system is one of my favourites. That's why I chose to replay it. That and I haven't played it for a while.

    Comments: I forgot about the difficulty curve if you don't prepare your characters properly. I really wanted to get The Ogre for Zidane before the Festival of the Hunt, but I couldn't afford... FUDGEE! Oh well. Will try again after the stack of Come Dine With Me on TV.
    Last edited by Tallulah; 01-02-2011 at 01:04 PM. Reason: Updated info.
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
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  30. #60
    Certified tech, come at me! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Title: Chaos Rings
    Platform: iPod touch/iPhone
    Current playthrough: 1st
    Amount of deaths: around 4 I think
    Thought of the game so far: it's pretty good; nice soundtrack, neat battle system, and the story isn't that bad. The game has a bit of a learning curve but once you understand things it's pretty fun. The battle system is turn-based and you can either attack separately or in pairs. Theres only two party members and you have to carefully plan out how you attack because in pairs one monster can hit both at one time.
    Currently Playing:

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